Our history
Desde 2013 a la actualidad
Chile is amid one of the longest droughts in history. This water shortage affects the country’s population, ecosystems and economic development. Agriculture and mining are two of the most important industrial activities in the national economy.
Both activities face the difficult challenge of finding alternatives for sustainability, even as the quantity of available water continues to decrease.

En 2013 comienza la ejecución del Centro de Recursos Hídricos para la Agricultura y la Minería (CRHIAM), en el marco del quinto concurso del Fondo de Financiamiento de Centros de Investigación en Áreas Prioritarias (FONDAP) de ANID. CRHIAM es liderado por la Universidad de Concepción en asociación con la Universidad de La Frontera y la Universidad del Desarrollo.

To be a national authority on the creation of advanced scientific and technological knowledge on water resources for agriculture, mining and communities and contribute to the achievement of sustainable development goals.

To be a worldwide authority as a water resources research center for the sustainable development of agriculture, mining and communities, in consideration of the principles of water security.

CRHIAM has four main objectives:
Promote world-class research on water resources to create knowledge and develop technologies to contribute to the water security of ecosystems, communities and production sectors.
Form undergraduate and especially graduate and postdoctoral human resources in order to create a critical mass that will support the development of abilities in the water resources field.
Create networks with the main domestic and international research institutions and the public and private sectors to benefit common interests regarding research, innovation and development in water resources.
Contribute to better water management through communication and dissemination of scientific evidence that contributes to public policies and to the knowledge of society.
Organizational chart
How CRHIAM works

Scientific networks
Nuestros colaboradores en el mundo año 2022